

Friday, April 15, 2011

here we go.... well almost.

It's almost time I cant wait!
Matt, Westley and I will be leaving at the end of the month (we figured we would stick around for Easter with the family) 

We have been busy the last few weeks getting every thing organized, prioritizing our gear, reducing or monthly bills, taking care of loose odds and ends at home, and of course figuring out how to fit every thing we need in a VW bus?!?!
One thing that really made a difference is after some searching on line we found a bike rack that will actually LEGALLY fit George (the bus) it's great! it holds both our bikes without blocking the lights or licence plates (Why the bother? because cops don't like that and tickets suck) so that means we don't have to put them inside on the bed any more :-) It will also be handy to Carry my hula hoops.

As far as the interior of the bus goes we are looking pretty good. We have built a full queen size bed + about 4" in length since Matt is tall.  Its got a good piece of foam for the mattress and is actually a little more comfortable then the bed we have at home. When we built the bed we built in a good amount of storage under the bed that gos all the way back to the engine compartment and holds a lot of our stuff.

I have been busy sewing new curtins for all 5 windows and for just behind the front seats they are thick enough to keep any light from the inside from being seen by anyone who may be passing buy and of course are also supper cute. since we are doing this on the cheep we will be sleeping in the bus most the time and will have to keep it discreet in some locations. I also created some pocket organizers for the seat backs...hey, every little bit of space helps.

We where thinking of getting a small RV style fridge for the bus but have decided to see how it gos with an ice chest for now since we have like 4 of those its one less thing to spend money on and means we don't have to figure out the wiring inside right now.

Well that's about it for now.
 I will post a few pics once George is all loaded up, he is quite a sight to see.

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