

Monday, May 30, 2011

Staying in a hotel tonight with Wi-Fi so I am able to put up photos from my camera.

 Just a pretty shot out the window.
 We took the 101 up the coast, it's beautiful.
 And you also get Redwoods.
 and sometimes both.
 We stopped at the cutest little beach...
 which apparently has Sneaker Waves
Not sure what those are you think since they are deadly they would tell you how to avoid them.
 looking back a George from the beach.
 No one else around so we let Westley off the leash to play.

I was recently informed there are not enough pictures of Westley on the blog.
sooo Dee here ya go.
Matt and Westley playing on the Beach.

 Absolutely my very favorite picture so far this trip.
My boys are so cute!
 super curvy sign.
 we pulled of the road in a closed state park to make lunch it was very pretty.

 Look we must be close its all gray and cloudy.

 still cloudy...
 Florance Oregon.
 A cool tunnel between Florance and Eugene.
 Cool art in downtown Eugene.
 We got in to town just in time for Dee's end of term concert at school.
She had a solo and did a beautiful job.
(To bad i cant say the same about the photo)
Voodoo doughnuts....Yes the top right one has bacon on it.
 Mmmmm giant seen on food network or so the sign says it was very good.
The onion rings are bigger than the burgers and are great!
 Here Dee more Westley.
 We spent a few days just driving around Oregon with no real destination in mind.
These are just a few shots out the window.

1 comment:

  1. wow guys it all looks so beautiful! there is some pretty stuff near Hood River, Oregon if you get up that way (about an hour east of Portland). A nice Waterfall along the way I forget the name, but you see pics of it all the time. Just across the river, on the Washington side used to be a cool comunal type camp ground called "the wind ranch" where all alot of the windsurfers stayed with showers, kitchen and cool peeps. The town was Bingen, across the river from hood river. Miss ya all but great to see ya having a nice trip! Hugs Robb
