

Monday, May 16, 2011

Slab City

The three of us have spent the last few days in Slab City which is an old Navy base that has been leveled down to the concrete foundations (slabs) which is home to a verity of different types of people. Some people live there full time others just for part of the year and some are just visiting like us. 
 As you drive up to Slab City you will see this beautiful piece of art called Salvation Mountain that was built by a a vary nice man named Leonard. He has been working on his mountain for about eighteen years. Leonard encourages everyone who visits him to go and explore his mountain. I have some more pictures below.
 We got to Slab City Saturday which was great because we where there for the Saturday night party at The Range a makeshift out side amphitheater / bar type atmosphere with seating that ranges from couches to car seats to old stadium and theater seating.
 And back to Salvation mountain made from scrounged and donated materials ranging from cement and hay bales to tires and telephone poles.
 One of the sky lights / windows that you can see in the last picture this one is made from a car door.
 Another picture of the tree limbs and tires and what not used to make one of the many rooms in Lenard's mountain.
 Us and Leoanrd
 Just outside of Slab City is a good sized hot spring a very popular hang out especially durning the colder winter months.
 And of course what makeshift city would be complete with out a shoe tree.
 If you have been at the city long enough you may get lucky and be able to snag one of the cement slabs as they become available to use as your camping spot getting you up and out of the dirt. In a few places there are even other sings of the old Navy buildings like this door and window.
 One of the Slab City residents art cars, he has two.
 A Quick shot out the window of the Sultan Sea.
And of course since we where driving through a quick stop in Cabazon to visit the dinosaurs.
(Sorry cant figure out how to turn the pictures) 

1 comment:

  1. Wow that looks like fun! I'm liking the range! and Salvation mountain and the whole deal! I'm going to drag you back there one of these days! Robb :)
